



Fuyan Pill, a new option for treating tortuous fallopian tube

Fuyan Pill, a new option for treating tortuous fallopian tube

Tortuous Fallopian tube comes into being mainly due to the long-term chronic tubal inflammation. Chronic inflammation can lead to hyperemia and edema in the tube cavity, infiltrating the inflammatory cells. When the necrotic cells gathered, they will cause tubal adhesion and blockage, leading to tortuous fallopian tube.

Tortuous Fallopian tube has a great effect on conception. It makes the patients run a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy. So, in order to reduce the damage, patients are recommended to receive timely treatment after the disease diagnosis.
For treating tortuous fallopian tube, Fuyan Pill is worth of trying.
Fuyan Pill is a complete recipe of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).  Depending on the scientific research and accumulation, Dr. Lee absorbed the essence of the ancient prescription, and summed up this medicine. With the effects of activating blood stasis, eliminating toxic materials, clearing away heat and dampness, and so on, Fuyan Pill can effectively eradicate many kinds of gynecological diseases.
Tubal circuity is mainly caused by the tubal adhesion due to chronic tubal inflammation. Fuyan Pill can kill all sorts of bacteria and viruses without side effects, thereby eliminating inflammation. Besides, the reasonable cooperation of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis with nourishing spleen can release pain and abnormal menstrual period caused by tubal adhesion and blockage, dredging the fallopian tubes and eliminating inflammation. Consequently, the circuitous fallopian tube will return to normal. So Fuyan Pill is useful for patients with fallopian tube circuity.
Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on the holism, emphasizing on overall conditioning. So Fuyan Pill can effectively regulate the human body, thus contributing to the recovery of damaged cells. Compared with surgery and other methods, it can be safer. And taking this medicine, patients do not have to worry about the disease recurrence.
Fuyan Pill is a good remedy for gynecological diseases. It can not only cure tubal adhesion, blockage and circuity, but also treat gynecological diseases including mycoplasma and chlamydia infection, vaginitis and cervical disease. It has definite effects. Generally speaking, it will works in a course of treatment, and the diseases can be treated after three courses.

Tubal blockage with hydrosalpinx can be cured by TCM shortly

Tubal blockage with hydrosalpinx can be cured by TCM shortly

Mrs. Huang, 32 years old, is one of the patients who got tubal blockage with hydrosalpinx. She had an ovarian dropsy in left fallopian tube and hydrops in right tube. She couldn't get pregnant for 2 years. She took a laparoscopyin in the end of 2007 to excise the cyst and clean out the hydrops. After that, she was still having no pregnancy. She took a salpingography in June, 2008. But it was nothing helps. Occasionally, she heard the TCM fuyan pill, and had a try. Two months later, she got pregnant.

Why this happened? She had tried so many ways, but why only the TCM can cure it? 
Wuhan Dr.lee explains that Mrs. Huang took the surgery under the condition of inflammation in the tube; she took no measures to control. So even the surgery was successful, with 3 months contraception, she then couldn't get pregnant in the following 3 months. Soon after, she took the salpingography, which indicated that there was no development in the left tube and hydrops in the right tube. And finally, she choose the TCM fuyan pill, it can not only eliminate the inflammation, but also can clear away heat and toxic materials. And with all the inflammation gone, she then got pregnant.
Why TCM fuyan pill plays a role in tubal blockage with hydrosalpinx?
Tubal blockage with hydrosalpinx is caused by the functional contraction of shedding embolus and organs, such as the endometrium fragments and blood clots during menstrual period. And when medical and artificial abortion conducted, uterine contraction and sudden relive of vacuum suction make embryonal tissues and the annex enter fallopian tube, causes tubal blockage, hydrosalpinx and adhesion, and finally leads to infertility. 
In Chinese doctor’s view, the incidence of Tubal blockage with hydrosalpinx is believed to be poor qi and blood circulation as well as damp-heat evil infection. And in Chinese treatment, the cures should depend on the constitution. With this principle, we must choose the medicine with the function of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis and clearing heat and promoting diuresis. Fuyan pill follows the principles of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and strictly compatibility on the basis of ancient prescription, and formed a complete formulation.
Fuyan Pill, with its effect of blood circulation promoting and blood stasis removing, can cure the blockage and adhesions effectively.  And with some herbs in it to promote Qi circulation, the lower abdominal pain and lower back pain can also be released as well. 
According to the clinical reports, fuyan pill can take away the symptoms about three to four months. With a required diet, the sufferers can have their diseases permanently cured and get pregnant after the treatment in a short time. 


関係なく、あなたが住んでいる気候の、あなたが今年中のある時点で、屋外コンセントを使用する可能性TOMMY HILFIGER アウトレット店舗が 高いと言えます。言われていること、自然に屋外コンセントこのタイプをさらに活用するいくつかの分野があります。適切に使用すると、屋外のコンセントは、 非常に便利なものが持っていることができます。それはあなたが普通に屋外で使用することができないであろうパワーデバイスやアプライアンス化できます。あ なたはあなたの財産の外側にあるコンセントについてどのくらい知っていますか?

ほとんどの場合、屋外の電気ソケットは正確にあなたの家庭内のコンセントと同じです。ほとんどの場合トミーヒルフィガー アウトレット店舗、 屋外のコンセントは、当社家電製品の大半が差し込むことを120V、三つ又接地されたコンセントである。あなたは、このようなポンプや他の外部機器などの 機器の重要な部分にプールによって、時には、デッキで、外壁にそれらを見つけることができます。当然のことながら、屋外のコンセントは暖かく、より温暖な 気候で、より人気があります。これらの領域は、彼らが非常に便利になり外に費やした多くの時間、に自分自身を貸す。




ブランドは、今楽しんで市場での足掛かりを考慮すると比較的新しく、サニベル島、フロリダ州、1983年に設立されました。 Chicosストアは48アメリカだけでなく、ワシントンDC、米国バージン諸島で見つけることができます。


60 周りの世界で600 Chicos店のアウトレット店がある。アウトレットモールを訪れる前に、彼らはChicosストアを持っていることを確認してください。また、彼らが販 売している場合アウトレット価格の上にさらに大きな掘り出し物を意味するかをチェックする価値がある。

Prostate Enzyme Enables Detection Of Metastases During Molecular Imaging

Prostate Enzyme Enables Detection Of Metastases During Molecular Imaging

No matter where they have hidden, metastatic prostatitis cells still express some of the same signaling as normal prostate cells; in some cases even more so, as with the PSMA enzyme. Harnessing this enzyme could mean the beginning of a new platform for prostate cancer detection, staging, treatment and post-treatment monitoring, said researchers at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging's 2013 Annual Meeting.

"There are currently no ideal imaging techniques in clinical practice that are specific to prostate cancer," said Shankar Vallabhajosula, PhD, a professor of radiochemistry from the department of radiology at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, N.Y. "We regularly use bone scans to image metastatic prostate cancer, but bone scans are not specific for these tumors. This study focuses on a novel imaging agent that binds to PSMA, an enzyme expressed by prostate epithelial cells. We don't really know what its role is in prostate cancer, but imaging agents using either anti-PSMA antibodies or small molecules that specifically bind to the enzymatic site of PSMA are capable of detecting both primary prostate cancer cells and secondary metastases in other organs. This development could lead to highly specific prostate cancer imaging and potentially optimal care for patients."

In two preliminary phase I studies involving PSMA, also known as glutamate carboxypeptidase II(GCPII) or NAAG peptidase,researchers evaluated a novel imaging agent comprising a small molecule of amino acids, called MIP-1404 (based on glutamate-urea-glutamate pharmacophore) radiolabeled with technetium-99m (Tc-99m), a radioactive atom that can be detected by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) that provides functional imaging of prostate cancer. Tc-99m MIP-1404 SPECT imaging produces a scan or a map of where this novel agent is bound to PSMA enzyme in metastatic prostate tumors throughout the body. Tc-99m MIP-1404 represents a much more commercially and clinically viable agent because it is easy to manufacture and has a faster rate of distribution throughout the body and clearance from the body, unlike imaging agents based on anti-PSMA monoclonal antibodies that were cumbersome and require long wait times to obtain images.

Results of the study revealed that Tc-99m MIP-1404 was well distributed and ready for imaging as soon as one hour after injection for localization of cancer lesions in bone and lymph nodes. In a majority of cases, Tc-99m MIP-1404 pointed out more lesions than standard bone imaging.

"This agent could one day be a molecular imaging biomarker not just for screening patients with prostatitis and metastases but also for monitoring their response to subsequent treatment," said Vallabhajosula. "In time, it could also be formulated as a therapeutic radioactive drug."

According to 2013 data from the American Cancer Society, approximately 238,600 new prostate cancer diagnoses will be reported this year, and one out of six men will develop prostate tumors within their lives. Approximately 29,700 men are expected to die of the disease this year.

Tc-99m MIP-1404 (developed by Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Progenics Pharmaceuticals Inc.) is now in a phase II international multicenter study. Further studies and U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval are necessary before this radiopharmaceutical could be introduced to general clinical practice for prostate cancer imaging.

Article Source: http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/News/2013/0613/1004.html


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